Hartwell at The Game Fair

Hartwell ClothingCountry Shooting

The excitement is mounting as the Hartwell team prepare to decamp for a long weekend and celebrate the Great British countryside, at one of Britain’s most prestigious countryside events. We will be front and centre on our stand at The Game Fair for 3 days and our stand is numbered D120, right in the heart of the shopping street, next door to Fairfax & Favor. We will be pleased to see you, and assure you of a warm welcome.

This wonderful countryside extravaganza runs from July 29th to the 31st at beautiful Ragley Hall in Warwickshire. There is ample parking throughout the event, and local buses also run past the gates, but do visit the Ragley Hall website for full details of exact location and directions.

For the hundreds of you that enjoyed our recent blog on the history of the Game Fair, you will know how the event has grown from its early days to be one of Great Britain’s premier countryside fairs.

The CLA (Country Living Association) team, have been working hard and have ensured that the 2022 fair will be offering a fantastic array of attractions and exhibits to delight everyone who has an interest in the countryside and all its glory.

The 3 day event has more than enough to keep everyone happily entertained, and we can only hope that the great British weather behaves itself. It’s become the annual calendar staple that represents a wonderful social and commercial opportunity for all. With more food and shopping than you could ever wish for, the Game Fair is no ordinary little country show.

And of course you don’t have to be working or living in the countryside to enjoy the wide range of displays and activities. Lots of interesting things for children to learn about farming and food production, sustainable farming and how countryside management is important to the environment.

Many non countryside folk find that after their first game fair, they develop an interest in horses, fishing, shooting and growing their own fruits and vegetables.

The stunning range from Hartwell Clothing looks equally as good in the coffee shops of Britain’s cities and towns as it does in the countryside, and of course gives you a wonderful point of difference in the fashion stakes. You will definitely receive admiring glances from friends and passers by at your fashion boldness.

You don’t have to be immersed in the British Countryside every day to love it.

Hartwell and the countryside

Our love of the great British countryside and all its magnificence is a constant source of inspiration for the colours, designs and prints that make the Hartwell clothing collection so unique and hugely popular.

People who live and work in the countryside in farming or country pursuits, recognise that Hartwell are genuinely inspired by the beauty of our countryside and its inhabitants as well as the wonderful seasonal flora & fauna.

With large numbers of visitors expected, we are excited to be showcasing everything we do at Hartwell Clothing, to many new faces as well as seeing our Hartwell loving regular customers.

This is why in our April Hartwell blog, explore 2022 UK country shows, we felt it was right to place The Game Fair at the top of our pick of the best section.

Our industry

As well as the fabulous array of country events and of course scrumptious foods and drink, we are looking forward to chatting with our industry colleagues over the latest trends and innovations. No doubt sustainability and environmentalist strategies will be high on the talking points.

Hartwell clothing has been very conscious for some while that we as a business need to do our bit to help the industry move away from its previous “Throw away” culture and to focus on quality clothing that is durable and delivers wardrobe flexibility. 

This is why Hartwell’s luxury shirts are made from only the finest cotton satin fabrics and all our jackets and coats use 100% wool or wool mix. A Hartwell garment is suitable for a wide array of events and can be worn on numerous occasions, with a bit of clever accessorising and styling.

We also take great interest in the latest farming techniques and technology that help us all to enjoy wonderful British produce. 

What can be better than fantastic food and ales at The Game Fair, while you are wearing Hartwell and making the coolest of fashion statements, amongst those who appreciate quality and are inspired by countryside themed design flair.

Come along to our stand D120 and if your wearing Hartwell, let’s grab a photo for our very popular “spotted in Hartwell” website page

Must Run

We still have a few final preparations as we want to ensure that your Hartwell experience and visit to our stand, truly showcases everything that Hartwell clothing is about and the efforts and workmanship, as well as design flair, that go into delivering stunning clothing that you will be proud to wear everyday.

Above all we hope everyone enjoys the intoxicating sights, sounds and aromas that can only be found at a British Country Fair.

Horses at the Gallop, working dogs showing of their skills and training, falconers displaying their birds at their magnificent best, the squeals of excited children and all in a stunning countryside setting which oozes history and culture

There is no country festival bigger, better or more diverse in its array of activities and opportunities as The Game Fair, and we look forward to seeing you all.

In fact, we cannot wait!

Live well, dress well, Hartwell

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